Welcome to the website of     

     The Divine Kingdom's Holy Church    



 We are dual citizens of both the Divine Kingdom

and of the country in which we live on Earth.



 The Holy Scriptures commands us to

 “obey God rather than men.”


Acts, Chapter 5, Verse 29 and in Mathew, Chapter 6, Verse 24 it says:



No man can serve two masters:

 Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”




Our first loyalty is to God and his King Christ Jesus and therefore

our priority is to obey our King and not any government of men.




In 1st Corinthians, Chapter 7, Verse 23 it states that:

Ye are bought with a price: be not ye the servants of men.”




In Mathew, Chapter 6, Verse 33 it commands us to:

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness

and all these things shall be added unto you.”



Our Kingdom’s Creed


   We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth and in all things seen and unseen. 

   We believe in one Lord, His Divine Holiness Christ Jesus, the only begotten Son of his Father before all worlds, God of God, Light of Light, True God of True God; Begotten, not made; Being of one substance with the Father; By whom all things were made: Who for us and for our salvation came down from Heaven and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary and was made man: and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried and on the third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures: He ascended into Heaven and siteth on the right hand of God, the Father Almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth and he shall return again in glory, to judge both the quick and the dead; Whose Kingdom shall have no end.


   We believe in one Holy Spirit, the Holy Christian and Apostolic Church of the Divine Kingdom of Righteousness.   We acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins and we look for the resurrection of the body and the life of the world to come, everlasting, During His Millennial Reign.   Amen. 




 The Authority of the Lord, Thy God is Supreme. 


   God’s Divine Law is superior to any law and government made by men.  Dual citizenship means that we will obey our King and His Kingdom first and foremost and no government has a right to interfere, nor infringe upon, anyone’s individual God given rights, created by the Lord, thy God (that we were born with) and which NO man made government can take away. 


    Acts, Chapter 5, Verse 29:  “We ought to obey God rather than men.”   Exodus, Chapter 20, Verse 5: “Thou shalt NOT bow down to them, nor serve them.”


    Psalms, Chapter 103, Verse 19: “The Lord hath prepared His Throne in the Heavens: and His Kingdom ruleth over all.” 


    Matthew, Chapter 6, Verse 24 and Luke, Chapter 16, Verse 13: “No man can serve two masters.  Ye cannot serve God and Mammon.” 


   Daniel, Chapter 7, Verse 27: “And the Kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.” 


    All of the so called “Churches” that have filed a 501 (c)(3) have traded God’s Divine Authority in favor of a man made illegitimate government that is contrary to the Kingdom of God. 


   It is treason and an unconstitutional infringement of freedom of speech and freedom of religion, as guaranteed by our first amendment. 


 The true church of the Lord thy God and of His Divine Holiness Christ Jesus would never ever allow this surrender to mammon!    The Holy Scriptures clearly states this fact! 



The Ten Commandments from The Lord, Thy God

 From The 1599 Geneva Bible

Exodus, Chapter 20

20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

20:5 Thou shalt not  bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a  jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me; 


20:7 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.


20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 


20:12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. 


20:13 Thou shalt not  kill. 


20:14 Thou shalt not commit adultery. 


20:15 Thou shalt not  steal. 


20:16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. 


20:17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that [is] thy neighbour’s. 


20:20 And Moses said unto the people, Fear not: for God is come to prove you, and that his fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not.




 The Lord's Prayer

Our Father, Which art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy Name;

Thy Kingdom come;

Thy will be done even in
 earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our debts,

as we also forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the Kingdom, and the power,

and the glory for ever.





 Protect Us From a Government that is Against God! 


     More decent God loving citizens have been persecuted, imprisoned, tortured and murdered by their own governments than by invading armies. 


    Far too often, elected officials (such as Adolph Hitler) have become dangerous tyrannical dictators who have committed acts of genocide against their own citizens.  This can be avoided by replacing corrupt public servants having evil motives with righteous public servants who will work to clean up a corrupt and evil government. 


   If you consider yourself to be a real Christian, ask yourself this important question: “Are you a member of a government (I.R.S.) regulated 501(c)(3) corporation “Church”?”


   Does your pastor preach the false doctrine of: “Separation of Church and State”? or is he more afraid of losing his church’s tax exempt status instead of doing what is morally right according to God’s Divine Law? 


   The Divine Kingdom’s Holy Church is NOT a 501(c)(3) government controlled “church”, instead we pledge our allegiance to (higher authority) The Divine Kingdom of the Lord, thy God and His Righteousness and we will only obey our real King, His Divine Holiness Christ Jesus who is ordained by God and NOT by an evil corrupt government including the Union of Sinners and Atheists”


   Therefore, it is our duty as loyal subjects of our King, His Divine Holines, Christ Jesus, to exercise our dual citizenship by voting for the righteous dual citizens who are like minded subjects of The Divine Kingdom of the Lord, thy God and His Righteousness and defeat all of the corrupt evil tyrants that have been bribed by the well funded international monopolies that love money and power more than that of the Lord, thy God! 



”All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for all good men

(and women) to do nothing!” by Edmund Burke.





Our Good Health Message


        Our bodies are a gift from our divine creator, the Lord, thy God, therefore it is our duty to take good care of our Holy Temple body.


  Please avoid all addictive and unhealthy substances.  These include all harmful drugs; including nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol that is contained in tobacco, alcoholic beverages, tea and coffee as well as all of the illegal narcotics and illegal chemical substances.


  Your sight and hearing are also gifts from God. Wear eye and ear protection when using power tools, firearms or machinery.  Do not play loud speakers at maximum levels nor expose yourself to very loud music or sounds without wearing ear plugs or ear protectors.


 Do not eat any unclean meat such as shellfish, pork, ham and fatty foods.   Avoid food that clogs arteries like those that contain excessive fat and cholesterol


  Fornication is a sin and sexual intercourse is ONLY permitted after Holy Matrimony between a husband and his lawfully wedded wife and NEVER before.  (“The wages of sin is death” and death can be the result of a sexually transmitted disease!)   Only a man and a woman can marry.  Abstinence, celebacy and virginity are admirable virtues.


  Get plenty of healthy exercise and sufficient sleep.  Do not inhale harmful second hand smoke from others near you.  Drink plenty of pure clean water and healthy juices from fruit and vegetables.  Avoid sodas, candy and other sweets that contain too much sugar and clean your teeth after each meal.



Parental Responsibility:


Teach your children the difference between right and wrong.  Do not reward them with candy, sweet deserts, ice cream, soda pop nor anything that is addictive or unhealthy.


Natural sweets like bananas, dates or fruit juices that have nourishment are much better choices.


Teach them to just say: "NO!" to anything that is addictive, immoral or harmful, especially from strangers and of course: "YES" from their own loving and caring parents who earn their respect by living a good example for them to follow.


 Avoid Evil Distractions:

  Instead of watching the devil’s evil electronic propaganda machine that is commonly known as the “television set,” we recommend that you read the Holy Scriptures and books from our recommended reading list while listening to some excellent relaxing classical music by composers who have composed music for church services that was inspired by the Lord, thy God. 



It isn’t Left vs. Right, it’s Right vs.Wrong!

  The one-world big government socialists who call themselves “leftists” and the phony neo-cons who want us to compromise with evil always tell us that we are “too far to the right and that we must move to the center”. 


There is no swinging pendulum moving horizontally left or right.  It is not a direction, but if it were, it should be an elevator as in up to heaven or down to hell.



 Right means correct and the opposite of that is wrong. If the “leftists” were honest, they should call themselves “wrongests”. 

 As a Christian (a follower of the only man on Earth that was perfect), I believe that all who profess to be “Christians” should always try to do the “right” (correct) thing all of the time.

  When the major party politicians tell us that we need to “compromise” with evil by moving “leftward” to their “center” in order to win, they are really telling us to become somewhat evil or at least part of the time.


 Most criminals can say that they were good most of the time when you compare the time spent to commit a crime as compared to the time that they are not committing crimes, including the crime of “Treason”! 

They only have to kill one person to become a murderer or rape one person to become a rapist, but some how it becomes all right to commit an act of treason if you are opposing a bigger traitor!

 If you are attending a church where the pastor tells you to either compromise or not get involved politically to oppose evil, then he does not deserve to be your pastor and you should leave that “church”!   




 Our Recommended Reading List:


 The Traditional Values Holy Bible, King James Version, David C. Cook Publishing Company, Elgin, Illinois.

The Holy Bible, Douay Rheims (Roman Catholic) Version, Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., Rockford, Illinois.

The 1599 Geneva Bible, Tolle Lege Press, P. O. Box 5069, White Hall, WV 26555

The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments, etc., Oxford University Press, New York, N.Y.

Valley of Decision, by Dr. Sterling Lacy, Ph.D., Dayspring Productions, Inc., P. O. Box 7677, Texarkana, Texas 7550 The Myth of Separation, by David Barton, Wallbuilder Press, Alido, Texas.

By This Standard, by Greg L. Bahnsen, Institute for Christian Economics,  P. O. Box 8000, Tyler, Texas 75711

The Political Mission of the Church, by Bill Falling, Bill Falling Publishing, Valley Center, California 92082

Documents of the Christian Church, 2nd Edition by Henry Bettenson, Oxford  University Press. Our Lord’s Return, by Carlyle B. Haynes, Southern Publishing Association, Nashville, Tennessee.

A Layman’s Bible Digest, by Leslie Peyton, Fleming H. Revell Company, Old Tappan, New Jersey. Law and Society, by Rousas John Rushdooney, Ross House Books, Vallecito, California.

The Institutes of Biblical Law, by Rousas John Rushdooney, Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company. ©Craig Press

Nelson's Quick Reference Bible Handbook,  Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN

75 Bible Questions, by Gary North, Institute for Christian Economics, P. O. Box 8000, Tyler, Texas 75711

The Epistles of St. Paul, Henry Holt and Company, Inc., New York, N. Y. The Kingship of Christ According to the Principles of St. Thomas Aquinas, by Rev. Denis Fahey, Christian Book Club of America, Palmdale, CA.

Spiritual Gifts, The Great Controversary, by Ellen G. White, Review and Herald Publishing Association, Washington, D.C.

The Political Writings of St. Augustine, A Gateway Edition, Henry Regnery Company, Chicago, Iillinois.

Temperance, by Ellen G. White, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Nampa, Idaho.

The Seventh Day Adventist Minister's Handbook, The Ministerial Association, the General Conference of Seventh Day Adventists, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, Maryland 20904.

The Seventh Day Adventist BIBLE COMMENTARY, by Ellen G. White, Published by the Review and Herald Publishing Association, Hagerstown, Maryland 21740

Success Planning Manuel, by Alfred Armand Montapert, Prentice Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.




Our Recommendations for Good Music Listening:


Sacred Classics – Messiah, Ave Maria, Pie Jesu and Zadok the Priest, by George Frideric Handel, Gabriel Faure, Johann Sebastian Bach, Antonio Vivaldi, Felix Mendelssohn and others.


Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, Christmas Oratorio, Mass in B Minor and Saint Matthews Passion by Johann Sebastian Bach.


Beethoven's Mass in C - Missa Solemnis by Ludwin van Beethoven.


The Messiah and the Dettingen Anthem by George Fridric Handel.


The Magnificat by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach.  Missa Breves by J. Nikolaus Bach



 Mozart's Requiem and Mass in C Minor by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart             


Brahms’ Requiem, by Johannes Brahms.


Dvorak’s Sabat Mater by Antonin Dvorak. Gloria! – Music of Praise and Inspiration, by Vivaldi, J.S. Bach, Haydn, Schubert, Beethoven, Verdi, Dvorak and many other great composers.


Ave Maria by Franz Schubert, St. Cecilia Mass by Charles Gounod.


 I Know that My Redeemer  Liveth and the Hallelujah Chorus by George Friderich Handel that are included along with a great many in the "BEST CLASSICS 100" C.D. Album from EMI.  



 Christians must never ever compromise with evil

by supporting the "lesser of the two evils"!


Let’s Pray for a Miracle and Elect

 the Most Righteous Candidates!

 The Lord, thy God and our King, His Divine Holiness, Christ Jesus who wants us to always do the right thing at all times, will truly bless us if we choose to elect the most honest and righteous candidates for office who are working to restore our limited government, Constitutional Republic, that our ancestors pledge their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor for.

 We should always remember the odds, when our ancestors took on the greatest military force in the world and defeated the British Army in our Revolutionary War and again in the War of 1812!


“God will help those who help themselves”, Therefore, we should never say: “We can’t” and instead say: “Yes, we can!”  “Yes, we can break the glass ceiling!”Let us pray and have faith that we can.  At least God will know that we have faith and are willing to try to do the right thing by restoring a Christian Nation!.




Happy New Year 2021

  Here is my suggestion for a New Year's Resolution

to help to save our Constitutional Republic


Dear fellow Constitutionists:



Now is not the time to go home and sleep, instead we

must prepare for next year’s congressional elections!


While most of the Demoncrats, who hate Donald Trump, can’t wait until the next election in 2018 to stop President Trump, too many Republicans think they can just rest and relax until 2020 when Trump will be running for re-election.

The reality is that the next federal election is  in 2020, when all 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and one third of the U.S. Senate will be up for re-election, which means that the Democrats can prevent the passage of legislation that President Trump must sign into law in order to succeed as well as any filling of possible Supreme Court vacancies!

Republicans should learn that it was the great Republican victories in both the House and Senate that prevented President Barack Hussain Obama from having bad legislation to sign as well as having another Supreme Court appointment!

This is also another reason why President Donald Trump will need to accomplish most of his important goals this year, in 2018, so that the voters will know that what he promised has been successfully fulfilled into action before the congressional elections of 2020 take place!

Therefore, what we do in 2019 will also have a huge effect on the 2020 elections as well as what kind of a country we will leave for our children and grandchildren!




Election Fraud Reforms Needed

by Elliott Graham of V.A.C.A.T.

Now is the time to write to your State Representative (Assembly Member or Delegate) and to your State Senator to pass legislation needed to prevent cheating at the polls.

If we do not do this now, early this year in 2021, the cheaters will steal our elections again and their goes our freedom, our constitution and everything that made America great!

These are the necessary reforms needed: All citizens who are registering to vote must present a valid picture I.D. such as a drivers license or a U.S. Passport.

The Department of Motor Vehicles must print special non-citizens drive licenses for all non-citizens that do not resemble those for citizens.

All voting citizens who died or moved away must have their voting registration deleted before the next election as well as convicted felons or the insane.

Absentee ballots will only be mailed to qualified voters by request from the voter at least 14 days prior to an election.

All ballots must be counted by hand in front of poll watchers from opposing parties and computers can no longer be used to count votes.

Only members of our State Legislatures have the authority to change our election proceedures and it must be done now, before your legislature meets, as the later time of this year in 2001 in in 2022 will be too late!


 Who should I vote for?

The first thing that we must do is to see how your U.S. Representative in Congress votes on the most important issues.

Go to this website: http://www.TheNewAmerican.com/freedomindex and see how he or she voted.

If your Representative’s score is less than 50%, he or she must be replaced by a real constitutional conservative candidate before the opening date to file for that office.

Before doing that, go to the website of: http://www.housefreedomfund.com to see if they have already recruited a candidate to support before the primary election and if not, please call active Republican Club Members to see who is interested in running for this office. 


If you vote for the wrong candidates or if you do not vote at all against the wrong candidates, this is what the Demoncrats will do to us!

Raise our taxes, wiretap our phones, invade our privacy, shut down many websites on the internet, outlaw and confiscate our guns, charge you of a crime, put you in jail, as though you are guilty before you can prove your innocence, impeach our wonderful President and Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh, get you fired from your job, ruin your reputation, lose your friends, increase crime by importing more criminals, get us into an undeclared war that could lead to World War 3, increase state and federal spending, foreclose our homes, turn the United States of America into a communist country by surrendering to a world communist government, totally ruin our lives and increase the suicide rate!

Therefore, the single most important thing that we absolutely MUST DO is to vote against these Demoncrats and to vote early (before noon) on Election Day, Tuesday, in March 2020.

Please read everything on this website and tell all of your friends to do the same before Election Day begins, as the following day will be too late!





Best Political Programs to Watch or Listen to:

On cable or satellite, go to the FOX News Channel to watch Sean HANNITY at 6:00 PM and again at 10:00 P.M. Pacific time. and on the FOX Business Channel to watch Lou DOBBS  at 2:00PM and again at 4:00PM and Tucker Carlson at 5:00PM, Pacific Time.


Also on cable or satellite, watch OAN (One American News Network) for the best and most conservative national and international political news.


On radio in the mornings, listen to Rush Limbaugh mornings from 9:00 AM until 12 Noon on 1150 on the AM band.




Here is how the Demoncrats will
achieve their one party monopoly!
(Written by a former Democrat)

1. Refuse to complete the building of the wall and refuse to hire enough Border Patrol agents.

2. Allow illegal aliens to become citizens that can vote in all elections.

3. Lower the minimum voting age to 16.

4. Allow convicted felons to vote in all elections incuding those who are still incarcerated in prison.

5. Close all polling stations and allow personal computers to be used for voting instead.

6. Rewrite a whole new U.S. Constitution at a new Constitutional Convention that will recognize a one world international government and abolish the “Bill of Rights” that no longer protects our “God given individual Rights”!

7. Radically change the U.S. Supreme Court by adding more justices that will be appointed by a new President and abolish life time appointments to that of having limited terms and term limits.

8. Eliminate the “Electorial College” and replace it with the popular vote so that the big city states like New York and California can win Presidential Elections that will favor the Demoncrats.

9. Grant statehood to Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C. to add 4 more U.S. Senators.

10. Merge the United States with Canada and Mexico into a single "North American Union"!

(Remember that slogan: “If you give in by just one inch, they will take a mile”.

This is why 100% of all Republicans and independents absolutely must vote against these Demoncrats in 2020!





Thank you FOX News for revealing the 

real Russian scandal about Uranium One, 

that the liberal fake news kept secret.

By Elliott Graham  

If you watch any FOX News broadcast, such as Lou Dobbs, Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity you will learn about the real Russian scandal.

Ask yourself: Why would President Vladimir Putin and his Russian friends support Donald Trump when it was Hillary Clinton and her Presidential Campaign Demoncrats who arranged for the sale of “Uranium One” shares of stock that resulted in 20% or 1/5 of uranium going to the Russians.

It should have been obvious to the former Secretary of State that Russia has not always been a friend of the U.S.A. and that they are allies with the Islamic Republic of Iran and Syria.   Because uranium is the heavy fuel needed to make nuclear bombs, this is treason!  Just like the secrets of the Atomic Bomb that Ethyl and Julius Rosenberg gave to Russia after WW2!

Because Hillary did not win, the fake news hopes that most of the Trump voters are stupid enough to believe that the Russians supported Trump instead of her.

It should be most obvious that the Russians were for Hillary Clinton, especially after paying her husband Bill Clinton a half million dollar “speaking fee” (bribe) to O.K. that Uranium deal!


Don't be fooled by the names:

"Democrat" and "Democratic


 Now that the Democrat Party has moved farther to the left, than ever before, does it not amaze us  that many foreign born citizens who fled communist and other dictatorship countries still register to vote in a party whose candidates and policies are very similar to what they ran away from?

The only smart refugees that I know of are the Cuban Americans who have registered to vote as Republicans or independents or anything other that Democrat.

I suggest that all of the other former refugees follow their example, because if and when we ever become a socialist dictatorship country, it will be too late to ever turn back as we will become part of an international big world government dictatorship!






By Elliott Graham, Founder and first President of A.P.R.A.


Have you ever met a pro-lifer, who opposes abortion, that would support euthanasia or genocide? I have not, because being truely pro-life means that we must protect both those who are born as well as those not yet born.


In my 50+ years of conservative political activism, I have noticed that the most prominent pro-second amendment legislators and leaders of pro-gun organizations are also very pro-life.


The best examples, that I can recall, are former California State Senators H.L. Richardson, founder and chairman of Gun Owners of California and Don Rogers, an Honorary Life Member of the American Pistol & Rifle Association. Both are as pro-life as they are pro-gun.  

Dr. John L. Grady, M.D., an obstetrician,who wrote a booklet opposing abortion, became the President of the American Pistol & Rifle Association. Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America, Charles Adams, former president of the National Association to Keep and Bear Arms and most of the prominent constitutional scholars and real conservatives are both pro-life and pro-gun.

Our founding fathers of this constitutional republic said the following: " Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence. From the hour the Pilgrams landed, to the present day, events, occurrences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that is good." President and General George Washington


"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." Thomas Jefferson

Now open up your Holy Bible and read about what our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus said about having a personal defense weapon in Luke 22:36: "Then said he unto them, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his script: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." 

 A good way to remember the chapter and verse is to look at the caliber of a rim fire cartridge (.22 cal.) and the caliber of the most common centerfire magnum revolver cartridge (.357 Magnum), then round off 357 to 2 digits which = 36 for Luke 22:36.

True guns are destructive devices of death, but they are also valuable and necessary life saving tools when used properly by the military, police and civilians for the purpose of protecting our homes, our families, our nation and our own lives.

Firearms are also very important to our national defense, because, if and when the United States should ever be invaded by the world’s largest army and we then do not have the sufficient number of troups from our armed forces, National Guard, reserves, law enforcement agencies and regular militia forces, we will then need to have a well armed civilian population that will assist these forces in order to avoid that global conquest of "The New World Order" or whatever our conquerers call themselves.  

Because the communists, nazis, and all other socialist dictators have absolutely no respect for human life and because more citizens and/or subjects have been killed and persecuted by their own governments, within their own countries, than by their invaders, at a time of war how can we trust any government official to protect or respect the human lives of our families (including the unborn), ourselves, or that of our fellow countrymen if they will not even trust us with our God given inalienable right to keep (possess) and bear (carry) arms?

Think again, is that candidate really pro-life? when he or she will not trust us with the necessary life saving tools that we may need for our very own survival?  That is why these life saving tools are often called "Equalizers".

If or when, we should ever lose our freedom, because we have surrendered our guns, can we be sure that our new government will protect every stage of human life? After all absolute power corrupts absolutely! 

Therefore, please do not let the "moderates" or "liberals" drive their wedge between the "fiscal" (economic) conservatives and the "religious" (moral) conservatives. Instead, we must all unite, together, as fellow biblical constitutionals who put God’s Divine laws and Constitutional government first over the statutes passed by the secular humanists or "Citizens of the World".  

Another observation, that we all must notice, is that the same nations that have the largest number of abortions, including China and the old Soviet Union, have had the strictest gun control and the most mass genocide!



  A Republican majority is not always

 a Conservative majority! 

By Elliott Graham  


When you add all of the R.I.N.O.s (Republicans in name only) and the “moderate” Republicans to the Demoncrats, you will see that most of the members of both Houses of Congress and those in our State Legislatures make up a “liberal” socialist and big government majority. 

Therefore, it becomes (more than ever) necessary for all Republicans to VOTE in your states Primary Elections against such Republican incumbents and replace them with real constitutional conservatives. 

Without this necessary change, we are as hopeless as if the we had  a demoncrat majority! 

The best example of such an election is when Senator Mike Lee defeated former Senator Bennett in a Utah Primary Election which resulted in getting the best constitutional conservative in the U.S. Senate! 




Because the Lord, thy God loves us,

 he does not want us to become

 the victims of evil doers.

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil

 is for all good men (and women) to do nothing”


To not vote is doing nothing and

it helps the other side to win!


Instead we all absolutely must do everything possible to save our constitutional republic.   This means to donate money to worthy candidates, volunteer by telephoning or walking precincts, passing out campaign literature and all the things that are necessary for our side to win and defeat the enemies who are working to destroy our freedom, success and pursuit of happiness.

If we don’t ask yourself: “Where can you go if they destroy this country?” while thinking about all of the refugees from dictatorship countries who have entered our country for political asylum or refuge.

By not opposing the enemy at the ballot box the following may happen:  Door to door searches to confiscate guns, gold, silver, vehicles and other important items that are necessary to our very survival and our freedom!

If you miss out on voting in both the primary and the general elections do not cry about losing because it was your fault after you have been warned and do not think that it cannot happen here!






before we lose everything in 2020!



Please read everything on this website, so that 

we can start organizing now to save America!




If we do not vote in the 2020 Elections,

 we will lose everything!

By Elliott Graham 



In 2020, it will become just as important as was the 2016 election where we won in both houses of Congress as well as The White House with special thanks to the Christian Voters who actually voted this time!

In 2018, the Demoncrats will do everything possible to have their revenge including having all new “citizens” vote whether they are legal or not as well as making sure that all of the labor unions work extra hard to get their members out to vote!

This means that all Republicans and fellow conservatives absolutely must VOTE in 2018 in both the Republican Primaries as well as the General Election!

Therefore, if you are an independent or a member of another political party such as Libertarian or the Constitution Party, you absolutely must re-register in the Republican Party so that we can replace the “R.I.N.O.s and “moderates” with real Republicans who are both constitutionalists and conservatives!

If we do not do this, this is what will happen: A Demoncrat controlled Congress can prevent legislation and Presidential appointments from reaching President Trumps desk, including any Judicial Appointments on the U.S. Supreme Court thereby causing President Trump to become “a do nothing” President!

Worse than that, would be for the “Demonrats” to get a two-thirds majority that would not only result in having a veto proof Congress but also the ability to impeach the President, even if he were the best President that we ever had and knowing how far to the left the Demonrats have become could actually result in making us a Communist country!





Please go to this website to see how your representative votes:




After you look at the scores that most members receive from the "Freedom Index", you will be shocked to see how many have an F grade (including most Republicans) anything that is below 65%. This means that what we have is a "liberal Majority" in both houses of Congress when you add the "liberal" Republicans and "R.I.N.O.s" to the Demoncrats.


Therefore, my recommendation is to defeat all those who score 50% or less in the next election in 2018.


If we do not defeat them in the Primary Elections next year, I predict that we will lose everything including President Donald Trump who has proven to be the best friend and protector of the rights of ordinary people, like us!








“I’m as M.A.D.D.D. as D.A.D.D.D!”  



Moms Against Daughters


Dating Demoncrats 




Dads Against Daughters


 Dating Demoncrats






Before you vote, think about your guns!

Hillary Clinton has the support of all the gun grabbers including former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg and George Soros.   She wants Australian type of Gun Control which is one of the worst prohibitions on our right to keep and bear arms.

Donald Trump won an early and very enthusiastic endorsement from the five million member National Rifle Association of America, Inc.

Both major party candidates are 180 degrees polar opposites on this most important issue.

Therefore, it is very obvious that if you want to keep your guns, you must vote for Donald Trump and all of the other Republican (G.O.P.) Candidates (the G.O.P. is the Gun Owners Party)!

Nearly all of the Demonrats, like Hillary Clinton want to prohibit gun ownership from individuals!



Communism is now a much greater threat than ever before!


Most of the communists and their children got smart and they became “Democrats” by registering with the “Democratic” Party.  Instead of being members of a communist cell, they ran as “Democratic” candidates for the “Democratic” Central Committee as well as running for many elective office positions including both houses of Congress!


If you read “The Enemies Within” by Trevor Loudon, you will see how this party has been heavily infiltrated!  More than 90% of Communist goals have been met!  Of the remaining 10% they must begin with very strict gun prohibition which can be easily achieved, because most of the guns are already registered to their owners!


If Hillary Clinton, who wants Australian type of Gun Control also gets a majority in both houses of Congress, as well as appointing the next Justice in the Supreme Court, she will not wait until her second term, as President Barack Obama did, who regrets not doing so in his first term of office as President, when he did have a majority in Congress!


Once they should succeed in disarming our law abiding citizens, they will be easily successful in completing the remaining steps, including a “New States Constitution” by a run-away Article V “Constitutional Convention” (that will no longer protect our rights) until they reach 100% of their goals of which they will get a very permanent “One World International Government” which has already been organized as the “United Nations”!


Therefore, we absolutely MUST VOTE against every “Democrat” by voting for candidates of the ONLY PARTY that can defeat them which is the Republican Party!


This General Election is far too important to throw away our precious votes for a minor party that will NOT WIN!


Do not let history repeat itself, like when, President Theodore Roosevelt, a former Republican President, split the vote against President Howard Taft by running as a candidate in the “Bull Moose Party”, that resulted in a victory for Woodrow Wilson and which happened again when Ross Perot, the “Reformed Party” Candidate, who ran against President George H.W. Bush split the vote that resulted in electing President Bill Clinton!


The “Libertarian Party” that is running 2 former Republican Governors obviously will split the votes against any Republican Presidential Candidate, just like they did in the previous elections, just mentioned, and these 2 Libertarian Candidates would have never been elected as Governors of their states, if they ran as Libertarians instead of being Republicans!


If we do NOT elect the entire slate of Republican Candidates, I believe that we will become residents of a Communist Country (without moving) and where there will be no place to escape to and then find out that we will never ever get our freedom back!


This article was carefully researched and written by Elliott Graham and it can be selection printed from either website: www.elliottgraham.com or www.vacat.us         Please make extra copies for your friends.




The ONLY candidate that can defeat Joe Biden

is Donald Trump as the Nominee of the G.O.P.

(The Gun Owners Party)



"When the people fear Government,

there is tyranny, and when the

Government fears the people,

there is liberty!"




Now is not the time to go home and sleep, instead we


must plan ahead for next year’s congressional elections!




While most of the Democrats, who hate Donald Trump, can’t wait until the next election in 2020 to stop President Trump, too many Republicans think they can just rest and relax until 2020 when Trump will be running for re-election.


The reality is that the next federal election, when all 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and one third of the U.S. Senate will be up for re-election, which means that the Democrats can prevent the passage of legislation that President Trump must sign into law in order to succeed as well as any filling of possible Supreme Court vacancies!


Republicans should learn that it was the great Republican victories in both the House and Senate that prevented President Barack Hussain Obama from having bad legislation to sign as well as having another Supreme Court appointment!


This is also another reason why President Donald Trump will need to accomplish most of his important goals this year, in 2020, so that the voters will know that what he promised has been successfully fulfilled into action before the congressional elections of 2018 take place!


Therefore, what we do in 2018 will also have a huge effect on the 2020 elections as well as what kind of a country we will leave for our children and grandchildren!







For a Complete List of Very Good Endorsements

including Judges, please go to this website:




If you have already marked your sample ballot

and want to know who are the best Judicial

 Candidates, please go to this website: 





Do you need a speaker for your next meeting? 




Please invite Elliott Graham, Founder and Chairman of “CUACC”, “Constitutionalists United Against a Constitutional Convention” to your next meeting to awaken your members about the immediate threat to our freedom under our limited government constitutional republic, this year in 2015, before our precious U.S. Constitution gets re-written at a run-a-way constitutional convention takes place.

Elliott Graham was successful in killing Senator Alquist’s attempt to have a constitutional convention here in California when he testified against his bill at the last hearing before the Constitutional Amendments Committee at our State Capitol.

There were 5 members on this committee, including Senator Alquist and the other four members voted against Alquist’s bill which stopped the legislation in the committee.

Elliott Graham is well known amongst fellow Republicans since he campaigned for Senator Barry Goldwater for President in 1964, was elected to the 43rd A.D. Republican Central Committee in 1972 while campaigning for Congressman John Ashbrook and in 1974, he won the Republican Nomination for the U.S. House of Representatives being the first Republican Challenger to then Assemblyman Henry Waxman in the 24th Congressional District of California.

Elliott was also a Republican Candidate for the California State Assembly, former President of seven Republican Clubs from the Young Republicans and UROC to the California Republican Assembly where he also served as a Senate Director in the 21st Senatorial District and later as a CRA State Vice President.   He was also the Chairman of the Los Angeles County Republican Speakers Bureau and the Vice President of the United Organizations of Taxpayers. (The organization that Howard Jarvis headed up during the passage of Proposition 13).  He was also on the Political Debate Team at the Universary of Plano.

 Please call Elliott Graham at (818) 247-5147


Welcome to the website of:

Constitutionists United Against

a Constitutional Convention



We (CUACC) oppose any attempt to call for any resolution that calls for an Article 5 Constitutional Convention or an Article 5 “Convention of the States” because such a convention cannot be limited to any one single issue which means that our entire United States Constitution can be re-written at a run-a-way (out of control) convention!

We no longer have a super majority of patriotic and principled statesmen like what we had in the eighteenth century, instead we have a subversive media and left leaning educational system with radio, television, movies and many treacherous multi-billionaires, including George Soros and Michael Bloomberg who can buy or choose the delegates to such a convention!

Can you imagine anyone stupid enough to risk having such a convention that will gamble away our limited government constitution for a “Balanced Budget” that will not accomplish anything, because that can be accomplished by just simply raising our taxes instead of just reducing spending?

By changing our constitution, we can get a whole new government that may cause our nation to become part of an international world socialist government without any constitutionally protected rights for individuals!

The best and only solution is to get many state legislatures to pass a resolution to rescind their previous resolution that calls for a Constitutional Convention!

Please click on to this website, print out and send this resolution to Members of your State Legislatures, if you live in a State that has an Article 5 Resolution:


Then click on to a resolution to rescind a con-con.

To learn more, go to: www.noconcon.wordpress.com



Constitutionists United Against

a Constitutional Convention



See Rescind resolutions:


 Also please click onto this website to learn more:





It’s too bad that Virginia did not have a Proposition 14!

 If Virginia had a new voting law like California now has, with Proposition 14 that only allows a vote between the two highest vote getters in their November General Election, then the outcome of this election in Virginia would have been entirely different, resulting in a large victory for Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, the excellent conservative Republican constitutionalist nominee for Governor.

The number one main reason why he lost to Terry McAuliffe was because the third candidate Robert Sarvis, a Libertarian, was the spoiler who split votes away from Ken Cuccinelli.

To make this happen a couple of “limousine liberal” billionaires contributed many thousands of dollars into the Libertarian Nominee’s campaign in order to increase his percentage of the vote.

The simple math proves that this was the main reason why Virginia elected a Democrat instead of a Republican Governor.

Do not believe the spin that the slanted news media puts on this, when they say that: “the Republican was too conservative or that the Tea Party hurt him.”   That was not the reason at all!

The very fact that the Libertarian Candidate received 6.5% of the vote proves that this was the real reason that the Republican lost and that if Virginia had the same election law that California now has, Ken Cuccinelli would have won by a bigger margin than that of Democrat Terry McAuliffe.


Now is the time for all of the minor party voters to re-register to vote in a major party that can win instead of wasting their vote in a party that cannot ever win and if all those who belong to the Conservative, Libertarian, Constitution and American Independent Parties would become Republicans and vote in the Republican Primaries, we would be electing many more limited government constitutional statesmen like U.S. Senators Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee!




The Big Government Globalists

Want to Control the Internet!

By Elliott Graham, vacat.us webmaster.


Please buy the November 3rd, 2014 Issue of The New American magazine and read the articles on pages 10-17 and 19 and 20 by William F. Jasper.

These pages reveal how the globalists and the federal establishment is now working to take over and control the internet.

Therefore, please tell everyone that you to see, to see as many of the websites, that they want to eliminate, right now, before they succeed in doing so!

If they shut us down, our most valuable tool, that we still have, under our first amendment, for free speech, for a free people, will be gone!

If you do not have a computer, you can use a computer at your public library or at a friends house.

Here are a few websites to start with: www.vacat.us, www.noconcon.co, www.elliottgraham.com, www.thenewamerican.com, www.jbs.org, http:// www.eagleforum.org, and to all of the links to the websites that are listed in all of our other websites;  including: http://www.prisonplanet.com, www.infowars.com  www.libertygunrights.com  and http://www.TheDivineKingdomsHolyChurch.com.

Please do not wait until they shut us down or make it too expensive to continue these websites by taxation and/or regulation.                       

In order to remain as a free nation, we must all use our First Amendment Rights to share this most valuable information, now, while we still can, and to as many voters as possible, this year, in 2015, as 2016 may be too late!







Gun prohibitionists allow us only 3 choices:

The Hospital, the Cemetary or Prison!





 (What the biased left news media does not tell you.) 

by Elliott Graham, Former President of A.P.R.A.



 As we all know, the first step into gun prohibition is registration.  Registration is designed to provide the government with a list of gun owners, so that they can proceed into the second step, which is gun confiscation. Instead of banning all guns outright, the government will call for you to register and license your personal firearms; thereby, converting your right into a government granted privilege.
If they do that, they will make it very difficult to obtain that license. If a gun license is not granted to you, later the government will demand that you turn in your guns during a special amnesty period.
If this happens, you will lose much more than just a “hobby!”  You will lose your freedom, your safety, your property and possibly your life!
 Here is what has happened to the many foolish citizens who once put all of their trust in their own government throughout the world:
 In 1911, Turkey imposed gun prohibitions and only four years later in 1915 the Turkish government killed one-and-a-half million disarmed Armenians!
 In 1935, the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China banned firearms, and only a few years later (1948 to 1952), fifty million dissidents in both communist countries were murdered!  (The Communist Genocide was the biggest holocaust!)
 In Germany, history repeated itself again.  They exterminated six million unarmed Jews and many other disarmed people, including Gypsies, “mixed bloods” and other so-called “undesirables”, as well as many Christian friends (who tried to save them) and soldiers killed increasing that number to as high as 13 million!
 In 1956, Cambodia established gun control, and again, only a few years later (from 1975 to 1977) the Cambodian government murdered a million of its own citizens!
 In 1964, Guatemala began gun control.  In that very same year they began killing unarmed Mayan Indians in which more than 100,000 died by 1981.
 In 1970, Uganda murdered 300,000 Indians and Christians from 1971 to 1979, beginning only one year after prohibiting personal firearms!
  First, comes Registration,    
  Second, comes Licensing or Prohibition  
Third, comes Confiscation
Fourth, comes Incarceration 
                   Fifth, comes Genocide!                          


 Statistics have already proven that the safest place to live is where there are very few restrictions on firearms and where most people are allowed to carry guns.



 The gun prohibitionists would like to give you one of these 3 choices:

                              a) the Hospital,              b) the Cemetery,              c) Prison! 



Before you vote, think about your guns!


Hillary Clinton has the support of all the gun grabbers including former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg and George Soros.   She wants Australian type of Gun Control which is one of the worst prohibitions on our right to keep and bear arms.


Donald Trump won an early and very enthusiastic endorsement from the five million member National Rifle Association of America, Inc.


Both major party candidates are 180 degrees polar opposites on this most important issue.


Therefore, it is very obvious that if you want to keep your guns, you must vote for Donald Trump and all of the other Republican (G.O.P.) Candidates (the G.O.P. is the Gun Owners Party)!


Nearly all of the Demonrats, like Hillary Clinton want to prohibit gun ownership from individuals!





Remember!   Our nation’s founding fathers warned us that: 

 “Those who do not learn from the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it!”  




 Has the U.S.A. become the

Union of Sinners and Athiests?




For a Complete List of Very Good Endorsements

including Judges, please go to this website:





If you have already marked your sample ballot

and want to know who are the best Judicial

 Candidates, please go to this website: 





Happy New Year 2021

  Here is my suggestion for a New Year's Resolution

to help to save our Constitutional Republic


Dear fellow Constitutionists:




              A Christian Minister tells his congregation

to get out of the Democrat Party.





Now is not the time to go home and sleep, instead we

must plan ahead for next year’s congressional elections!


While most of the Democrats, who hate Donald Trump, can’t wait until the next election (which is really just next year) in 2018 to stop President Trump, too many Republicans think they can just rest and relax until 2020 when Trump will be running for re-election.

The reality is that the next federal election is only a year away, in 2018, when all 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and one third of the U.S. Senate will be up for re-election, which means that the Democrats can prevent the passage of legislation that President Trump must sign into law in order to succeed as well as any filling of possible Supreme Court vacancies!

Republicans should learn that it was the great Republican victories in both the House and Senate that prevented President Barack Hussain Obama from having bad legislation to sign as well as having another Supreme Court appointment!

This is also another reason why President Donald Trump will need to accomplish most of his important goals this year, in 2017, so that the voters will know that what he promised has been successfully fulfilled into action before the congressional elections of 2018 take place!

Therefore, what we do in  2018 will also have a huge effect on the 2020 elections as well as what kind of a country we will leave for our children and grandchildren!




Visit Pastor Chuck Baldwin's Website 

   2008 Presidential Nominee, Chuck Baldwin is the Founder and Pastor of the Crossroad Baptist Church of Pensacola, Florida.  An independent Baptist Church that has no hierarchy other than The Lord, Thy God and our King Christ Jesus. Please visit this link:




A very scary thought that might become reality!

By Elliott Graham of Constitutionists United Against Constitutional Convention

Because it is not clear how delegates to an Article 5 Constitutional Convention are chosen nor who will choose these delegates, I have this question: “What if those who choose these delegates decide to auction such positions to the highest bidders?”

If that were to happen starting with million dollar bids, the con-con delegates will most likely be such multi-billionaires as George Soros, former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates, David Rockefeller and many other “Citizens of the World” who want to have a one world United Nations Government!

If these traitors to our sovereignty and constitutional protected rights decide what a new constitution for us will be at a run-away constitutional convention, my prediction is that we will have the most extreme international totalitarian government ever!

There will no longer be a “Bill of Rights” nor any freedom for any individuals! Not even the First Amendment!    They will be lost forever!


To learn more, please go to http:/www.noconcon.co



Welcome to the website of:


Constitutionists United Against


a Constitutional Convention






We (CUACC) oppose any attempt to call for any resolution that calls for an Article 5 Constitutional Convention or an Article 5 “Convention of the States” because such a convention cannot be limited to any one single issue which means that our entire United States Constitution can be re-written at a run-a-way (out of control) convention!


We no longer have a super majority of patriotic and principled statesmen like what we had in the eighteenth century, instead we have a subversive media and left leaning educational system with radio, television, movies and many treacherous multi-billionaires, including George Soros and Michael Bloomberg who can buy or choose the delegates to such a convention!


Can you imagine anyone stupid enough to risk having such a convention that will gamble away our limited government constitution for a “Balanced Budget” that will not accomplish anything, because that can be accomplished by just simply raising our taxes instead of just reducing spending?


By changing our constitution, we can get a whole new government that may cause our nation to become part of an international world socialist government without any constitutionally protected rights for individuals!


The best and only solution is to get many state legislatures to pass a resolution to rescind their previous resolution that calls for a Constitutional Convention!


Please click on to this website, print out and send this resolution to Members of your State Legislatures, if you live in a State that has an Article 5 Resolution:




Then click on to a resolution to rescind a con-con.


To learn more, go to: www.noconcon.wordpress.com



Here is what a Christian Calendar should look like:


JAN = James

FEB = Timothy

MAR =  Mark

APR = Andrew

MAY = Matthew 

 JUN = John

JUL = Luke

AUG = Peter

SEP = Philip

OCT = Paul

NOV = Nathanael

DEC = Thomas


The months are named after 12 Deciples instead of Roman Emperors and misnamed

 numbers of the months as in October which should be the 8th month,

November the 9th  month and December the 10th month.


Highlight these new names for the months, print selection,

 cut out and paste them into your new calendar.




To oppose a run-away constitutional Convention that

 will destroy our U.S. Constitution and our freedom:



Other important website links:


and  www.vacat.us

(Voters Against Corruption And Treason)


All Christians have a duty to prevent the Devil from conquering the world 

and that is to oppose Satan's evil doers by electing the righteous candidates

who will replace those who have the financial backing of the evil doers.



But, first we need to know who is behind Lucifer's Plan to conquer the world!


Please watch these videos and websites to learn about the so-called

"Lesser of the two Evils":


Watch this video about how the international

 conspiracy groups control everything including

both major parties, the banks and the media:








Thanks to the  voters in the 2014 Elections, we saved America

and the free world, but we can never give up, because the far left

will try again in 2018 and now is the time to plan ahead for 2020!











Watch this very informative video about

 the Satanic Conspiratorial Plot of the

 "New World Order" to Conquer the World!









Do not compromise with the Devil by voting for

the lesser of the two evils in the Primary Election,

  instead we must choose the more righteous choice

 in the party than will defeat evil for the good of all.






The most evil party in America is the Demonrat Party

that has been taken over by Socialists, Communists,

athiests and others who hate Christians and who disobey

the Ten Commandments, including homosexuals, abortion

 providers, illegal aliens, drug addicts and all other undesirables

and sinners who have lowered our American standards and who

  have made this very evil party a coalition of all of the above!





Because the minor parties never ever win and far too often

split the vote, those who vote for a minor party candidate

and those who do not vote at all are actually helping to

 elect the evil candidates of the "Demonrat" Party!





Therefore, it becomes the duty of every Christian in America

to vote for the best Republican Candidates in the Primary

Elections and that Republicans are the only ones

who can and will defeat the "Demoncrats"!



See these very informative websites of Alex Jones:







 Another very informative website that


 has been created by an organization of

honest people who want to clean up

corruption in government is:



Please click on to these

websites to learn more!



and http://www.vacat.us


  Watch this video of a Christian Bishop

telling Christians and Jews

why they should leave the

Democrat Party:





 Religous Historian David Barton

reveals the fact that our nation was

founded by religeous believers, including

Christian ministers of the gospel.  See this link:






 Unfortunately, things have changed over many years,

but, we must and can restore our nation back to God.




 Protect Us From a Government that is Against God! 



     More decent God loving citizens have been persecuted, imprisoned, tortured and murdered by their own governments than by invading armies. 


    Far too often, elected officials (such as Adolph Hitler) have become dangerous tyrannical dictators who have committed acts of genocide against their own citizens.  This can be avoided by replacing corrupt public servants having evil motives with righteous public servants who will work to clean up a corrupt and evil government. 


   If you consider yourself to be a real Christian, ask yourself this important question: “Are you a member of a government (I.R.S.) regulated 501(c)(3) corporation “Church”?”


   Does your pastor preach the false doctrine of: “Separation of Church and State”? or is he more afraid of losing his church’s tax exempt status instead of doing what is morally right according to God’s Divine Law? 


   The Divine Kingdom’s Holy Church is NOT a 501(c)(3) government controlled “church”, instead we pledge our allegiance to (higher authority) The Divine Kingdom of the Lord, thy God and His Righteousness and we will only obey our real King, His Divine Holiness Christ Jesus who is ordained by God and NOT by an evil corrupt government including the Union of Sinners and Atheists”! 


   Therefore, it is our duty as loyal subjects of our King, His Divine Holiness, Christ Jesus, to exercise our dual citizenship by voting for the righteous dual citizens who are like minded subjects of The Divine Kingdom of the Lord, thy God and His Righteousness and defeat all of the corrupt evil tyrants that have been bribed by the well funded international monopolies that love money and power more than that of the Lord, thy God! 






”All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for all good men

(and women) to do nothing!” by Edmund Burke.












Thank you for using your valuable time to view

 these very informative presentations and be sure

 to tell your family and friends about this website.






For a Complete List of Very Good Endorsements

including Judges, please go to this website:




If you have already marked your sample ballot

and want to know who are the best Judicial

 Candidates, please go to this website: 
